Rahban Delivers GI Workers Comp Evaluations, Quickly and Accurately

As patients with authorized Workers Compensation cases require immediate evaluation of gastrointestinal (GI) problems, they are seen very quickly. Their diagnostic reports likewise are sent to their representative in a couple of days after their initial office exam. Follow up appointments are also treated as urgent matters.

Dr. Rahban, as a double board certified gastroenterologist/internist, with high titles in American Gastroenterology Association (AGA), provides clinical evaluations based on unbiased and extensive clinical experience. In conducting an applicant’s physical examination, Dr. Rahban ascertains the true nature of the causes for work-related injuries. Using a reasonable and logical manner based on reviewing all the recorded issues that may have caused a patient’s gastrointestinal ailments, a thorough diagnostic report is generated.

Patients are always quite satisfied with their experience during examinations. After each session Dr. Rahban explains their GI problems and its causes in a personal face-to-face review. Before leaving the office, they are also handed out information printed in their native language.


Rahban research focuses on digestive stress

Can stress be linked to ulcers and gastrointestinal impairment?

The Rahban Institute has conducted evaluations of thousands of people suggesting that a relationship between stress and digestive health problems exists, although more research is needed to determine the causes of various types of injuries.

As the workplace is such a large part of stress for the bulk of the population, there appears to be a rising trend in incidents of disabling workplace stress.

“Problems at work are more strongly associated with health complaints than are any other life stressor, more so than even financial problems or family problems,” according to the St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Co.

The American medical profession and most states now recognize stress as a valid basis for Workers’ Compensation claims, if stress has reached the level of a disability.

Dr. Said Rahban, head of the Rahban Institute, and a Qualified Medical Examiner in the state of California, recently stated, “It is essential to have a proper endoscopic diagnostic procedure, not only to determine what is wrong, or whether pharmaceutical or surgical treatment is prescribed, but also to detect whether the injury is due to singular or multiple causes. Such insightful diagnostics are essential for removing the person from further damage, as well as determining the source or sources of the injury.”

Digestive diagnostics key to treatment

Because a broad range of factors may cause or aggravate pain due to a digestive system disorder, a gastroenterologist is the specialist you need to determine the kind of issue you are dealing with. Typically, the following GI disorders will appear with related symptoms:

  • Acid reflux (heartburn)/Gas
  • Irritable Bowl Syndrome/Abdominal Pain
  • Constipation/Chronic diarrhea
  • Nausea/Fever
  • Rectal irritations/bleeding

At times, certain symptoms appear that are due to GI disorders, but the problem does not show up readily without a proper diagnostic procedure:

  • Swallowing difficulties
  • Weight anomalies

Serious digestive diseases such as these are always checked for during diagnostic procedures:

  • Colon polyps
  • Duodenal Ulcers
  • Gastritis
  • Colon Cancer
  • Stomach/Gall Bladder

…and other diseases.

Here is a list of tests commonly used to determine diagnostic health issues:

  • MRI CT Scan (Abdomen)
  • Abdominal Ultrasound
  • Endoscopic Ultrasound (Abdomen)
  • Upper and Lower GI Endoscopy
  • Liver or Pancreas Biopsy
  • X-Rays
  • Blood work